Satisfaction Guarantee guarantees the quality of its services. If you are not 100% satisfied, we are happy to make any changes on your art work/Image. If you still aren't satisfied, we will give you a full refund of your payment for this job.
Privacy Policy

The images that you supply to for Vector Conversions are not shared with anyone else. We may ask for your permission to display "before and after" images on our website's samples(give link to portfolio) page for comparison between the original raster image and the new vector file. No images are displayed on our website without prior consent from the image owner.

Privacy & Personal Information:

We do not share any information with anyone else. Your email is used only to contact you.

Time to time We Request feedback from our customers. We appreciate and Respect your privacy. We will publish first name / last name .


Payment Policy
All graphic design jobs require payment upon placing an order. It is the policy of that such payments are strictly non-refundable once design starts, unless we are unable to complete your job.


Images displayed anywhere on the web - or published otherwise - are not necessarily public domain, even if an image does not have a copyright mark or notice, it does not mean it is free for anyone to use. It is illegal to duplicate a copyrighted image without permission. By submitting an image to us for reproduction, we assume you are the image's owner or have explicit permission from the owner to reproduce or duplicate the image.

Job Delivery

Let us know if you have a deadline and we will try to meet it. Turnaround time is generally 24 hours or less. Complex designs may take longer. Hours of operation are daily 9am to 9pm GMT +5:30; unless a previous arrangement has been made, there is no guarantee that a file will be sent to you outside of the this time frame. Kite is not responsible for delayed delivery of proof or vector file due to electrical power outages or internet service provider interruptions.